If you’re thinking of revamping or purchasing mannequins for your store and boutiques, then you must make an informed decision. So we at Xite Display (XDS) along with our Channel Partners WINDOW FRANCE (WF) in the Middle East are here to provide our knowledge and expertise when it comes to mannequins or dummies.
There are quite a few types and styles of mannequins to discuss and we are sure many of the readers are quite aware. However, few others are still deciding, so we have split them into two categories, namely style and functionality. Let’s see what they’re about and how this information will help the readers in deciding what is the best purchase for their store. And if these information hasn’t helped you, or you couldn’t find the mannequin you are looking for, don’t worry you can reach out to one of our experts and we will be happy to work along with you in your project to ensure that you get what you are looking for. Simply drop us a message here. Click on our WhatsApp icon while you are browsing our website for immediate response.
WE at XDS always believe that mannequins are not an investment and investing on the right Mannequins will take your retail space experience to the next level.
The 3 Most Common Types of Mannequins
#1. Headless Mannequins
Headless mannequins are perfect for stores that have a limited height of the ceiling. They are crafted from fiberglass and come in different shapes, sizes, poses, colors, and finishes but all are beautifully crafted. The neck is generally long and cuts straight, and their fiberglass construct ensures durability over long periods.

They can be used to showcase any type of clothing because they don’t express any emotion and of course, represent both genders.
Make-up and wigs don’t have to be considered in this case. If you’ve been looking for fantastic headless mannequins, then check out here.

#2. Abstract Mannequins
Abstract mannequins are contemporary pieces of art displayed in retail stores all over the world. In general, features such as muscles, fingernails, some facial characteristics, elbows, and so on are not sculpted, the result being a modern fiberglass sculpture.
Wigs and make-up can be added to these abstract mannequins. They are also fairly tall, they have beautiful poses and are available in Men,
Women, Kid’s, Torso or 3/4th forms, can have it painted in different colors either in a glossy, semi-gloss or matte finish. Check out our abstract mannequins here
#3. Realistic Mannequins
Realistic collections natural or life like for a particular reason, that being this type of mannequin illustrates a human face and body more precisely. Also, the fiberglass skin resembles that of a human being. The make-up on them is in general permanent and the wigs can be selected from the available collections and can be perfectly styled by any of the VM (Visual Merchandising). If you do not have VM then don’t worry, one of our experts will always be happy to assist you.

# 4. Children and Teen Mannequins
Children and teen mannequins are huge in the fashion industry; they show mothers how items of clothing would look on their precious bundles of joys. It gives your store a significant advantage over your competitors. Child mannequins can come in three forms, namely baby, child, and
teenager, which allow you to display your merchandise.
Parents have a hard time thinking of how a clothing item will look on their children, so help them out with our high-quality child mannequins. They come in all “ages” for both genders and even unisex, and they also have numerous positions (baby mannequins come in a crawl, sitting or standing positions). You or your VM experts can choose the Heads by giving them a Realistic look or choose for an Egghead option, or it can simply be Headless.
Pick the ones you need for your retail store here.
# 5. Plus Size Mannequins
We at Xite Display believe that all types of Bodies that come in different shapes and sizes need to be showcased in stores all over the world to increase the footfall of a store and increase the number of Sales. The answer to this is simple – Plus size mannequins is your perfect choice. They offer customers a realistic view of the clothing they want to buy and helps them create a more accurate mental image of what they look like in that specific item.
There are multiple sizes of mannequins that can help make your customers feel more at home and

much more comfortable to fit in their selves. Our selection of plus-size mannequins includes full-figured and curvy, but feel free to check them out by yourselves here.

#6. Pregnant Mannequins
Mommy shoppers need a special kind of attention, so it is clear that if your store sells maternity clothing items, then you should showcase them on pregnant mannequins. These types of mannequins are of high quality and always show great emotion, namely love for their mannequin babies. Help mothers-to-be by showing them how good your clothes will look on them and rest assured that they will thank you properly, by spending money in your store.
If pregnant mannequins are what you’ve been looking for, then contact us by clicking here.
#7. Elegant Mannequins
The Elegant mannequins – other term knows as Sexy are hyper-realistic and specific for some stores only, which include lingerie retail stores. They are constructed from high-quality fiberglass, are sculpted in great detail and have detachable limbs to ease the process of dressing and undressing, they also come mostly in female form.
These gorgeous mannequins have voluptuous forms and come in very provocative and lascivious poses, all in other to get the customer into the “mood” of shopping for some sexy apparel.
Find a beautiful and sexy mannequin for your store here.

#8. Sport Mannequins
As in the case of the sexy mannequins we discussed above, sports mannequins come as realistic, headless or abstract, in various colors and particular poses. Some might be set while running while others come
in yoga poses, playing golf or soccer. Indifferent to their posture, they are the perfect display mannequins for sports retailers.
If you own a sports store, we highly recommend that you should check out our very muscular and athletic male sports mannequins and our fit female sports mannequins. If you still don’t find what you need, then do get in contact with one of our experts here.
Mannequin Style By Color
#9. Black Mannequins
Don’t be surprised when you read Black Mannequins. These specific display mannequins are in general headless/abstract/realistic mannequins that have a glossy or matt finish (some of them even say it as mate or matte finish). Many of the retailers to be safe, they go for a Glossy White or Matt White finishes, but some high-end retailers purchase and display the Black Color Mannequins. They are very flashy yet classy and contemporary. Black mannequins, especially in a Matte look or even a semi-gloss finish,it is simply fantastic in almost anything, so would recommend to give it a shot. You want to see more collections and positions in Black Color, simply contact us.
#10. Chrome Mannequins
Chrome display mannequins are dazzling; they are so shiny and show off such graceful postures that they are a must for modern retailers. Besides their power to enchant customers anywhere, they are placed. Chrome mannequins are made from fiberglass and come as abstract mannequins or as mannequin torsos, be it in Men, Women and or Kids.
Having a chrome mannequin is like showcasing a silver doll in your store and if you’re interested in how they can increase your sales, If you don’t find it on our site, don’t worry, simply contact us.
#11. Gold Mannequins
Gold display mannequins itself means luxury because they look like a million-dollar and enhances your store to a different look and feel. Can you even imagine having just a few in your store? How they would brighten up a display. They generally are abstract mannequins with all the features that come with them. We invite you to check them out here. If you don’t find it on our site, don’t worry, simply contact us.

#12. Other color Mannequins
Did you know that you can custom color your mannequins – they are gorgeous, and while they mostly fit into any of the fiber finish categories and have the same features as the rest of them, these in general are custom made. Also in this color theme, we can discuss a little about hand-painted mannequins that have something similar to a tattoo on their bodies, but again, these too are custom made, all you need to do is provide us with a RAL Color Code or PANTONE Color Code and leave the rest to us.
But if you want to do something special for your customers and your store, then the investment might pay off or if you wish to invest a little but do something amazing with your mannequins. We have some advice on how you can spruce mannequins up, simply drop us a message here and one of our experts will get in touch with you at the earliest.
Mannequin Types By Functionality
Moving on past the dazzling style of the mannequins, we have to take into consideration their functionality.
#1. Dress forms
Also known as tailor’s dummies and mannequins, display dress forms used for fashion design. These are professional products that come in a variety of forms and sizes, some even having unique features that help the dressmakers create the perfect items of clothing for their customers. They can also be used in retail stores to create fantastic displays and effects.

The unique features we mentioned earlier include collapsible shoulders to make it easier to remove clothing items from it. Moreover, they can have adjustable height, rolling bases to help with moving around, magnetic joints which allow for the adding of arms, some are even expandable and comes with wooden hooks which aid in the making of various sizes.
They are generally made from heavy-duty canvases designed to withstand the test of time and course scissors and needles. Besides the general dress form that is a torso with a wire bottom, we have suspended bodies that include arms and legs suspended from the neck.
We have high-quality dress forms for any type of fashion design need, check them out here.
#2. Ghost Mannequins
Also known as photography mannequins or invisible, these exquisite types are fantastic for retailers, photographers, or whoever might need them. This bestseller type of mannequin is trendy nowadays because they focus strictly on the customer; they can imagine how the item of clothing looks on them without being distracted by the rest of the mannequin.

Their fantastic advantage, besides the fact that they come in both genders, is that they have multiple removable parts to make the clothes seem like they just float. These movable parts include multiple neck layers, either V-shaped or round, arms, hands, legs, and some parts of the torso.
If you want to see what we’re talking about, check out our ghost mannequins.

#3. Flexible Mannequins
You can call it flexible, movable or poseable mannequins are very special and sought after these days. It’s easy to understand why business owners can set these mannequins in incredible poses that defy imagination.
Flexible mannequins can be set in different poses, taking into consideration the type of flexibility they dispose of. They either have shoulder, elbow or knee joints and can
be modelled into any position. Even their heads can be tilted or moved from side to side.
The head can be customized as per the client’s requirement, to know more about our flexible options, please contact one of our experts here.
The beauty of flexible or movable mannequins about them is that it’s just like dressing a real human, you don’t have to detach parts or unscrew anything.
#4. Torso Mannequins
These are also the building block for any type of mannequin, sometimes having the possibility to attach arms, legs, and heads. They are also more economical than other mannequin options so feel free to check out our excellent prices on torso mannequins. You can also check our Torso collection in Fabric form as discussed above in Dress Forms Category.

#5. Standalone Mannequin Parts
Neckpieces: Mannequin necklace display stands are perfect for jewelry stores because they represent the upper part of the torso. They come either in the form of the torso from the waist up with no arms or head, as the neck and decolletage, or in some cases with half of the face, velvet, plastic, foam or various types of canvases are used to create this particular type of mannequin part. It is up to you to choose which one suits your store and make the jewelry or even scarves pop out from the rest.
Hands & arms: Mannequin hands and arms are used to display rings and bracelets or other types of jewelry, gloves, and they can also be used by nail artists to exercise their craft. They can have a stiff hand, that comes in a preset pose or they can have all the finger joints so you can move the fingers however you wish. Mannequin display hands and arms come in various lengths and are made from various materials such as plastic, wood, high-density foam and so on. The hand poses are perfect for displaying tasteful rings and bracelets, most of them being very graceful and almost inviting.
Legs: These mannequin legs are generally used to display stockings because they begin from the mid-thigh area and continue down to the foot. It doesn’t matter what kind of stocking you sell; leg mannequins can showcase any type of stocking and socks.
Calf: Calf mannequin is used to display leg bracelets or anklets, high heels, and boots.
Foot: Foot mannequins are those that begin from the ankle and continue down. They can be flat to help showcase or design to fit into high heels. Also, they can be made from a wide variety of materials, can come in multiple colors and with various designs.
Display mannequins can mean many things, as it includes a wide range of selections, some of the best mannequin types out there, being used pretty much in all windows displays, from a small corner of a store to the high-end retail stores. Options are limitless; it depends on who is your customer and what is an average footfall you are expecting in your outlet.
This pretty much wraps up the main types of mannequins according to style, options, and functionality. Of course, there are some more, but they’re not entirely relevant to the retail businesses. We hope this clears up any kind of concern regarding mannequins and it helps in making the right decision for your future business set up. If you need advice, feel free to contact us!